Saturday, November 25, 2023

flat.moon.society - focusstudychillcore [Beat Tape] [2023]


flat.moon.society - focusstudychillcore [Beat Tape]
(Click Cover To Purchase)

01. and now ladies and gentlemen - the last waltz of the merrymakers 
02. live_laugh_love as a wholesale personality disorder 
03. one random night in one random jazz club one random life changes forever
04. your vibe is like seeing Katy Perry’s face in the butter on a corn muffin but realizing that it is Paula Deen 
05. intro[duction to the chaos protocols aka the stark realization that reality is built like fiat currency] 
06. a jump to conclusions mat - but every conclusion is “buy my sync licensing class”
07. thanking your alias for the collab - modern schizophrenia presentation or peak cringe? 
08. i know you THINK you quantized the snares but I promise you they get off time at 1 minute 14 
09. paying 5 bucks for a playlist add is the worst deal since August 15th 1971 when Richard Nixon took the US Dollar off the gold standard 
10. remember the douchechill from finding your old livejournal? it’s personification just slid into your DMs with a link to their podcast
11. “my favorite lo-fi artist? probably the girl with the cat in the window” - a field guide for the modern exorcist 
12. you’re like the six page short story that we have to scroll through to get to the recipe 
13. Ash wandering through the woods in search of pocket monsters but instead of pocket monsters, it’s lo-fi labels to release with 
14. flat.moon.society, lazyboyloops - your prayers are reaching Heaven but God is deaf and her hearing aid died around 1947

flat.moon.society - focusstudychillcore

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