Friday, February 9, 2024

lord-gamma - Hunter man [Beat Tape] [2024]


lord-gamma - Hunter man [Beat Tape] 
(Click Cover To Purchase)

01. Avenge 
02. Blue blades
03. Combat is my specialty 
04. cordinates to the time machine
05. enemy example
06. Fighting solo
07. find them 
08. generational gap 
09. serious series punches
10. gamma great soul fire 
11. hidden passages
12. internet pussies
13. lucky to survive 
14. nasferatu gamma 
15. nephlim wars 
16. never stop 
17. no love 
18. pay attention 
19. sharingan stare 
20. they will be banished 
21. torture chambers 
22. use the gatling gun
23. verbal echoe 
24. what do you know
25. you fucking dog

lord-gamma - Hunter man

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